Developing life and work skills to empower people to learn and grow, giving opportunities for the skilled to up-skill others.
Each programme is driven by the aspirations and needs of its members
Our Co-Learning strand of MakerLife Ashford, launched in January 2021. We are initially working with the homeless through a ‘Life and Work Skills’ programme. We are soon to be opening this up to anyone and everyone alongside our Co-Working and Co-Living strands.
Each programme is driven by the aspirations and needs of its members and is supported by volunteers. There is no limit to the skills people can teach and gain- those volunteering to teach, also learn. We will be linking with local colleges and our Co-Working strand to help members develop their skills and business ideas. We will be holding periodic events to bring together our members and local businesses.
We are in need of volunteers with skills to share, local businesses to mentor and give work experience opportunities, and educators- local colleges and adult educations providers to partner with us.
If you’d like to know more; to volunteer or partner with us, we’d love to hear from. you. Get in touch!